Optometrist job in Cumnock
How Does This Model Work Without Management Fees?
Simple! Hakim Group splits costs down the middle. 50/50. If you don’t profit, neither do we.
How Much Money Do I Need To Buy-In?
We work around you. If you’re the right fit we can create a solution to suit us both. No six-figure barriers to entry here!
What Kind of Freedom Can I Expect?
We’re committed to the independent sector. This means you have freedom over your patient journey, frames & lenses, equipment and more! We’re not here to prescribe your business strategy, we’re here to support you.
“We really go that extra mile for patients, really getting to know them so they can understand exactly what they need from their vision in a much deeper way.”
"I couldn't imagine continuing this journey without the support of my business partner, Neil, or the Hakim Group. The work is challenging but I wouldn't change a thing."
"For someone interested in joining, I’d simply say don’t hesitate, do it. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I am so glad I’ve joined the Hakim Group and I’ve never looked back. It’s been an amazing experience."
it’s all new, all screen, and all powerful.it’s all new, all screen, and all powerful. Completely redesigned and packed with our most advanced technology, it will make you rethink what iPad is capable of.
Case Studies